Spend Time Practicing Your
Vocal Exercises Not Finding Them
​Dots Singing Easy Compilation Finder
Quick Reference Guide
to your Daily Practice Routines
Access 60+ Vocal Exercises
To Sing More and Search Less...
Designed to help contemporary singers strengthen and develop their voices through targeted compilations.
Dot has a special super power of selecting the perfect exercises as practice routines to help singers become the singer they want to be.
No more frantic YouTube searches or lesson interruptions.
Access variety with over 60 vocal exercises
What's Included
Instant access to over 60 vocal exercises grouped into easy to access logical routine compilations
Instant access to 25 YouTube Playlists
Detailed guide with exercise breakdowns (range, level, focus)
Quick-reference summary for on-the-go use
Clickable links and scannable QR codes
Optimized for all devices - use on computer, tablet, or phone
Wasted time searching YouTube videos
Exercises don't match needs
Spending hours on lesson prep
Hard to customize for students
Disorganized practice routines
Inefficient student practice​
More time spent searching than singing
Instant access to tailored exercises
Streamlined lesson preparation
Easily organise student routines
Maintain smooth teaching flow
Assign homework via QR codes
Clear practice guides for students
More time spent on quality practice
For less than the price of a 30-minute vocal lesson, get access to a full library
of routines and save heaps of time!
I'm Dot, your vocal coach
Creator of Dots Singing YouTube channel with 27,000+ subscribers.
15+ years of teaching experience.
I’ve crafted this finder/guide to make finding vocal routine simple and efficient.
Trusted by teachers, singers and choirs worldwide.
What Singers & Teachers Say
Dear Dorothy Thorpe.....I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!! And my students are loving them too! One thing I LOVE is that we use them for warm-ups over Zoom and it has made my life SO MUCH EASIER. I love the graphics especially. So easy to follow, for kids and adults. I love the variety. I love not having to try and count while I'm trying to do a breathing exercise at the same time. HAHAHA! THANK YOU FOR THIS RESOURCE! Christine Keene 21 Oct 2021 Voice Teacher USA via FB groups
Simplify Your Vocal Practice with Ease!
Watch the Finder in action—scan a QR code and start singing in seconds!
Perfect Practice Routines Everytime
Unlock Your Compilations Now
Practice ready-to-go exercises that flow easily from one to the next.
With the Dots Singing Easy Compilation Finder, you’ll have high-quality vocal exercise compilation routines plus YouTube playlists instantly at your fingertips.
Instant Access to tailored routines
Streamlined Lesson Preparation
Efficient Student Practice
Easy homework via QR codes
SAVE HOURS in lesson prep time
For just $37 AUD, you get immediate access to:
​Vocal exercise routine compilations
A detailed guide with range, level & focus
A Quick-Reference Summary for on-the-go use
How to Use instructions
Optimised for all devices​
(That's only $25 US)
Please note: Prices are in Australian dollars. Use the yellow currency converter to work out the price in US or Pounds.